YouTube Videos

Citizens Raise Concerns Over NAWEC Blackouts

Citizens raised concerns over blackouts and lack of water from the country’s only National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC). Commuters travelling past Brusubi Turntable took the opportunity to voice their concerns on the state of service delivery for water and electricity in the country.

Lawyer Jadama speaks on Gov Consultation on 2024 Draft Constitution

The Consultant for Civil Society Organisations TANGO on the 2024 Draft Constitution spoke to Askanwi in an exclusive interview about the Government’s consultation on 2024 Draft Constitution.

Former Jungler Michael Correa Set to Face Trial in the US? - Mandinka

ANEKED and Solo Sandeng Foundation present an introductory video to the Micheal Sang Correa Trial to take place in the United States. This is the Mandinka version.

Lawyer Jadama: Changes in Draft Constitution, Questions Mandate to Amend Draft

Lawyer Jadama highlighted some of the changes on the 2024 Draft Constitution Gazetted by the Government in August 2024. The Consultant for TANGO on the Draft Constitution questioned the government's mandate to amend the Draft Constitution.

Former Jungler Michael Correa Set to Face Trial in the US? - Wollof

ANEKED and Solo Sandeng Foundation present an introductory video to the Micheal Sang Correa Trial to take place in the United States. This is the Wollof version.

Former Jungler Michael Correa Set to Face Trial in the US?

ANEKED and Solo Sandeng Foundation present an introductory video to the Micheal Sang Correa Trial to take place in the United States. This is the English version.

YouTube Videos

Dialogue between Security & Civil Society Organised by CRPD

Members of Civil Society and the Security Sector met on 7th and 8th August to discuss the theme "Deepening Citizen Engagement in Security Sector Reforms and Governance in Transitioning The Gambia" featuring series of panel discussions.

Afrobarometer Aug 2024 Presentation by Sait Matty Jaw

The results of the Afrobarometer survey published on 22nd August 2024 and presented by Lead Researcher Sait Matty Jaw highlights that more that 7 in 10 Gambians they surveyed noted their preference for a new Draft Constitution while less than 3 in 10 Gambians didn’t.

MoTIE Outlines Plans to Participate in AfCFTA Second Pilot Phase

The Ministry of Trade announced the Gambia Government’s commitment and outlined its plans to participate in the second phase of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) during a workshop with members of the media and Civil Society Organisations on 3rd September 2024.

PS Defence: "Security Sector has to Work with the CSOs"

During the keynote address on the theme, deepening our security institutions' CSO engagement delivered by Mrs Rohey Bittaye Darboe, she urged the Security Sector to work with the CSOs and the entire population.

MoTIE Engages CSOs and the Media on AfCFTA

The Ministry of Trade held a one day workshop with members of the media and Civil Society Organisations on the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) yesterday, 3rd September 2024 at the Metzy Hotel.

Exiled Gambians Attend WAVE Human Rights Festival

Exiled Gambians from Kerr Mott Ali attended a human rights festival organized by the Women’s Association for Victims Empowerment (WAVE), marking a step towards their return back to the Gambia as recommended by the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission.

YouTube Videos

Where is the Explanatory Note on the 2024 Draft Constitution?

The Ministry of Information last week announced the government’s plan to issue an explanatory note on the Draft Constitution, which it Gazetted on 14th August 2024.

Where is the change promised to Gambians?

When Justice Minister Dawda Jallow noted that the government plans to maintain the status quo on allowing the President to make appointments without any Parliamentary Approval, Askanwi journalist questioned the Minister "where is the change promised to Gambians?"

WAVE Family Fun Day

The Women’s Association for Victims Empowerment (WAVE) started their week long Human Rights Festival with a family fun day at QCity.

Watch a video of the first day of the Human Rights Festival on our short video.

Did the Justice Minister Consult Stakeholders on 2024 Draft Constitution?

Askanwi Journalist questions Justice Minister Hon Dawda A Jallow on the consultation he said took place on the 2024 Draft Constitution Gazetted by the Government and to respond to the President's promise of a Referendum on a Draft Constitution in December 2024.

Inside the Mentality of the Junglers

This video report details how the Junglers were trained by an 'Italian Mafia' known only as Francisco Casio, who praised the Junglers for killing civilians. In this video report, we explore the mentality of the Junglers who were trained to kill with orders from the former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh.

2024 Draft Constitution: TANGO Chair Reacts to Gazette

The Chairperson of the Association of Non Governmental Organisations released a statement on the Government's decision to Gazette the 2024 Draft Constitution. Here is her reaction to the government's decision.

YouTube Videos

AKI Chair Speaks on Law Suit Against Government & Pharmaceutical Companies

This is an exclusive interview with the Chair of the Acute Kidney Injury 66 Plus Victims group that is currently suing the government and Pharmaceutical Companies for hundreds of millions in damages after over 73 children were killed by poisonous drugs produced in India. The interview is in the local language of Wolof and was done on 24th July 2024 soon after the most recent court hearing on the AKI Law suit.

Civil Society to Review Police Bill to Replace Outdated Police Act

Assistant Police Commissioner Almameh S Manga revealed to Askanwi Media that the Police High Command is currently reviewing the Police Bill set to replace the outdated 1949 Police Act. After this, Civil Society are also scheduled to review the Bill before being tabled in Parliament. More in this video report.

FactCheck: Have Taxes Increased Under GRA in 2024?

GRA Commissioner General Yankuba Darboe claimed that his office did not observe any tax increments for the year 2024. Our reporter investigated his claims to verify if they were true or not.

Inauguration of Day care/ Madrasa at Banjul Police Line

The Office of the Coordinator of Banjul inaugurated a Day care / Madrasa inside the Banjul Police Line on 14th August 2024 with the support of Philanthropist for children resident in Banjul Police Line.

Hon Njai of Banjul Central Responds to Concerns on Draft Constitution

The National Assembly Member for Banjul Central Hon Abdoulie Njai held a Constituency Dialogue with his electorates on Friday 16th August 2024 organized by Activista the Gambia. Watch the question and response on the Draft Constitution.

The Last Cry - AKI Outbreak Poem

Spoken word poem written by David Kujabi and recited by Fatima Kebbeh for Askanwi Media. The poem is about the Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Outbreak which claimed the lives of over 73 children who ingested poisonous medicines produced in India were distributed in the country.