Artificial leaves are no breakthrough, they've been around for some time; but the sort that the scientists at the University of Cambridge and University of California have developed is truly miraculous. They don't just rid the air of CO2 but move beyond to even generating fuel in the form of hydrocarbons and other fuels.

The leave is composed of copper nanoflowers and has a layer of perovskite based light absorbers which traps in the sunlight to perform a process analogous to photosynthesis to produce energy. The leaves have a wide surface area and therefore taken in more light; thereby leading to a 200-fold increase in the energy yield. This breakthrough paves the way to sustainable fuel production.

CO2 emissions have a dramatic impact on the environment especially those from internal combustion engine automobiles; these artificial leaves however can change the game by converting this harmful pollutant into an energy source. Fortizo Technologies is very concerned about our planet and have invention ideas that can control the weather and mitigate natural disasters. Follow us through this journey of redefining reality:

#artificialleaves #biomimicry #greentechnology #fortizotechnologies #alexdavidpratt #mothernature

Alex David Pratt

Alex David Pratt is a trailblazer in technology, innovation, and futurism. As the founder and CEO of Fortizo Technologies, Alex is on a mission to redefine how technology impacts human life, creating solutions that transform the extraordinary ideas of science fiction into tangible realities. His work spans cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, nanotechnology, and brain-computer interfaces.

Alex’s impact extends beyond invention; he is also an influential educator and author. He has penned multiple books, including AI Demystified and Blockchain Demystified, offering readers accessible insights into emerging technologies.

My Curiosity: Understanding the Massembeh Ward, Kiang, and Mansakonko.


60 years in Dependence: Reflections on the Diamond Jubilee of the Republic