Bad SeneGambia Bridge Deal Means No Competing Infrastructure for 100km

The government recently admitted that its concession agreement with Africa50 ‘only’ excluded competing bridges for a 50m radius. In addition to competing bridges, a clause in the agreement prohibits the government from constructing competing infrastructure, which did not specify a limit. More in this expert piece.

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Do We Know Every Detail about the Africa50 Deal?

In this edition of the Economic Deep Dive, Dr Ousman Gajigo highlights the importance of the Africa50 project which has resulted in a company taking control of the SeneGambia bridge to collect toll revenues. But what are Gambians getting in return?

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Askanwi aims to fill the gap of reliable, balanced citizen focused news which impacts the livelihood of it's readers. With publications monitoring the implementation of the Transitional Process in the country Askanwi continues to pioneer human interest reporting such as the ongoing reportage of the Acute Kidney Injury saga, the promulgation of the Draft Constitution and the implementation of the Transitional Justice Program to name a few.

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