Over 232K Tourists Expected as Gambians Assured Entry to Beaches

GT Board Director General Abubacarr Camara (c) Askanwi

By Edward Francis Dalliah

The Gambia, popularly known as the Smiling Coast of West Africa attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year, with most arriving during the Tourism Season which starts in October and ends in April. During a press conference ahead of the start of the tourism season, the Director General of The Gambia Tourism Board (GT Board), Mr Abubacarr S. Camara revealed that over two hundred and thirty two thousand Tourists are expected in the next year.

But how does the large influx of Tourists during the on season affect access to the beach for non-Tourists?

According to data accessed on the Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS) website and provided by the GT Board, over the past 12 years, [excluding 2023] the record number of tourists was over 235,000 in 2019, just before the Covid 19 Pandemic struck. The preceding year [2018] recorded over 209,000 people which is over 24,000 less than the tourists observed in 2022.

Many Gambians use the beaches daily to relax, train and play football amongst other activities, during the tourism season or off-season. However, some find it difficult to access the beach during the Tourism season. Back in August 2020, the late veteran Journalist Ebou Waggeh took to Facebook to lament; “this is the Police locking down the beach this Sunday. I could not do my usual walk”. His brief caption was accompanied with a picture of the Police at the beach.

Another similar incident was published in November 2022 by the Fatu Network highlighting the concerns of a person who was denied access to Senegambia beach before 5pm, simply because they were not working at the beach and were not a Tourist.

Yesterday 9th October 2024 provided an opportunity to question the relevant Authorities if the practice of stopping Gambians and non-Tourists from accessing the beach will continue. During the press conference organized by the Ministry of Information, our reporter asked the GT Board Director Camara, what his institution is “doing in collaboration with the security officers to ensure Gambians like us can use the beach?

In response, Director Camara asked a rhetorical question: “I will start from him [the journalist]. How can we promote Domestic Tourism without encouraging Gambians. I think that is an answer. I have already answered your question”.

An adamant Director Camara noted that “we will not encourage Tourism Security to stop Gambians that are going to enjoy themselves. They are only asked to stop undesirable elements like criminals, drug dealers that want to destroy our tourism. That’s what they’re told but Gambians coming to enjoy our beaches. You’ve seen recently, where we have used the services of [the media] to go and promote the beaches to our Gambians. Why would we stop them?

Speaking to Gambians, Director Camara, said “be rest assured that it is not going to be under our watch for any security to stop any Gambian who’s going there wholeheartedly to go and enjoy [themselves] as a tourist. I will be happy to meet such a Gambian”.

However, he was interjected by the convener of the Press Conference in Minister for Information Dr Ismaila Ceesay, who revealed that he had seen Gambians being denied entry at the beach during the season. He added that “in fact, at some point, they tell them the tourists are having a dinner, you cannot get in”. Adopting a defensive stance, Director Camara attempted to interject, but Information Minister Ceesay insisted when he asked “what can we do, in case you experience that, who do you call to make a complaint?

Information Minister, Dr Ismaila Ceesay (c) Askanwi

Responding to the Information Minister, GT Board Director Camara, revealed that there is “a toll free line that you can call [1030]. But again, we do have trainings with some of them. I like the military who says amongst the Military you have some bad cows. You have some people that have their ulterior motives and they will do things to destroy whatever but nobody will tell a security to stop any person who is genuinely going to enjoy the beach”.

Our reporter attempted to call the toll free line 1030 multiple times but received an automated voice message saying “the number you have dialed is switched off or outside coverage area”.

Askanwi Gambia

Askanwi “The People”, is an innovative new media platform designed to provide the Gambian public with relevant, comprehensive, objective, and citizen-focused news.


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