Top 10 Tourism Sites Report Reviewed by Diversification Project and Partners

Group Picture (c) Askanwi Media

By Haddy Ceesay

The Ministry of Tourism’s Diversification Resilience Project reviewed it’s Top Ten Priority Tourism Sites report together with its partners and the World Bank on 13th September 2024 at the Kairaba Hotel. Witnessed by stakeholders from the Tourism Industry, the event provided an opportunity to discuss investment opportunities and partnerships to boost the Tourism Sector.

Back in 2022, World Bank announced that their “Board of Executive Directors approved on June 9, a $68 million grant from the International Development Association (IDA) to support the diversification and climate resilience of the tourism sector in The Gambia”.

Speaking at the session, the newly appointed Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture Hon Abdoulie Jobe narrated how the project was conceived. Minister Jobe revealed that the project was as a result of the “hard work of the Former Minister [Hon Hamat Bah] and the World Bank representative” who struck a balance between what The Gambia needed within the context of climate change.

Hon Jobe explained that the government “may want infrastructure but the person giving you money have a policy and they have a program. So, whatever you want it must align with what they also want to achieve [and] what the country wants. So, I think this project was developed within that context to support the country through a grant of $68 Million”.

The World Bank presser explains that “the Tourism Diversification and Resilience in The Gambia project aims to assist the country by strengthening the institutional and policy framework, improve capabilities and access to funds for tourism related Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) suppliers, and enhance the attractiveness of selected existing but underdeveloped destinations. The project will also strengthen the sustainability of the coastal areas”.

The Third Gambia Economic Update published by the World Bank in June 2023 revealed that “the share of services in GDP has declined since its peak of 60 percent of GDP in the early 2000s, reflecting constraints such as deficiencies in infrastructure, lack of a sufficiently large pool of skilled and well-trained workers to meet labor market demand, and high dependence on a low value-added tourism”.

In addition, the report notes that “The Gambia’s tourism industry relies heavily on a few tour operators and is focused on the winter season and accommodation near the sea and Banjul airport. Moreover, visitors are mostly focused on relaxation tourism, their length of stay is short, and there is relatively limited travel within the country (Ceesay 2020)”.

Hon Abodulie Jobe Minister for Tourism (c) Askanwi Media

The Top 10 Toursim Destination Locations;

  1. Albreda, Juffureh & Associated sites

  2. Basse

  3. Bintang Bolong

  4. Denton Bridge

  5. Historic Georgetown/ Janjanbureh & Surroundings

  6. Kenye Kenye Jamango Mosque

  7. Kiang West National Park & Bao Bolong Wetland Reserve

  8. Kotu Beach Craft Market

  9. Niumi National Park & Jinack Island

  10. Wassu Stone Circles

It's is hoped that this assessment will proffer means to diversify the country’s Tourism Sector and also improve tourism destination sites across the country which can boost travel within the country.

One of the consultants working on the project as a Team Leader, Anupa A- Pant highlighted that they have been working with partners to diversify tourism products and markets by strengthening institutions frame work, improving linkages between local supplier and large tourism businesses and building resilience to infrastructure support.

Ms Anupa A- Pant noted that the Tourism Sector is a significant contributor to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and a major source for employment and direct foreign investment. He estimated that the Tourism Sector attracted over $45 Million US over the past five years which is fueling its recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Highlighting the Sector’s reliance on international tour operators Ms Anupa A-Pant revealed that 70% of all tourists come through tour operators and hardly leave their hotels. In her view “this is a missed opportunity showcase The Gambia’s unique culture heritage, natural beauty and diversity and maximizing economic benefits”. It is hoped that the project will be implemented to diversify tourism sites across the country to stimulate travel within the country, boost the local economy with emphasis on women and youth.

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