Is an Apology Sufficient When the President or a Minister Violates the Constitution?

Speaker Jatta ruled for Finance Minister Keita to apologise to Parliament after admitting violating section 152 (1) of the 1997 Constitution which requires the President to cause the Finance Minister to table the Budget sixty days before the end of the year. But is an apology consistent with the dictates of the Constitution when violated by the President or a Minister?

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Why Support Askanwi Media? 

Askanwi aims to fill the gap of reliable, balanced citizen focused news which impacts the livelihood of it's readers. With publications monitoring the implementation of the Transitional Process in the country Askanwi continues to pioneer human interest reporting such as the ongoing reportage of the Acute Kidney Injury saga, the promulgation of the Draft Constitution and the implementation of the Transitional Justice Program to name a few.

Your support will ensure Askanwi continues to follow the AKI saga, publish groundbreaking stories unveiling corruption, investigate public malfeasance, publish quarterly newsletters and ensure the operations of Askanwi Media.