GSM Operators Promise to Address Hon Gibba’s Poor Network Concerns in the Fonis Since Post Jammeh
By Yusef Taylor, @FlexDan_YT
Last Saturday, 30th November 2024, the Public Utilities and Regulatory Authority (PURA) held their 8th Edition of the Consumer Parliament at their head office at Kairaba Avenue right next to the United States Embassy, Banjul. Directing his concerns to GSM Operaters present, Hon Almami Gibba of Foni Kansala highlighted that “in 2016, down from Bullock to Kalaji before 2016, the change [from former President Jammeh to current President Barrow], network was fantastic both Comium, Africell, QCell and Gamcel to be specific”. However, since the change the network has worsened.
All network providers where at hand to respond to his concerns. According to PURA, the “Consumer Parliament [is] a platform dedicated to fostering dialogue and addressing the needs and concerns of consumers”.
In addition, PURA explained in their invitation that “the Consumer Parliament presents an opportunity to consumers to express their views on the operations of GSM companies, internet service and utility providers in the country. Senior management and technicians from all the regulated sectors (Electricity, Water, Sewage, Downstream Petroleum, ISPs, telecommunications and broadcasting) will be present to interact face to face with the public”.
Speaking as a consumer and a National Assembly member from Foni, Hon Gibba noted that “immediately after the change in 2016, 17, 18 we started getting trials. Currently, I could say the GSM which is much better is QCell, but looking at the area within the Foni Kansala, the ECOMIG Senegalese base in Foni, when you reach Kanfenda, Sangajor, the satellite of Kanilai down to Bwiam you will realise that the Satellite in Kanilai it seized the network. It takes ownership of network. These are the trials that we’ve got”.
After raising his concern moderator, Peter Gomez of West Coast Radio sought clarification from Hon Gibba about seizing ownership of the network to which Hon Gibba explained that the network fluctuates in that region which affects QCell as well. He noted that when he reaches at the Kanilia Kanfenda end the network becomes very poor.
Hon Gibba asked to hear from the GSM Operators the reasons for the shift from 2017 to date because before the change in regime the network was much better and to also give assurance on what they can do to improve this.
In response, GAMCEL’s Manager of Marketing Communication, Mr Alieu Dampha promised that they will work with their technical team to see how best they can improve the network in that area. He noted that although they have antennas in the Fonis they are having technical problems which they will sort out within a week or two ending on 15th December 2024.
Next was Africell’s Chief Government Relations Officer and Public Relations, Mr Musa Ceesay who explained that they have recently concluded an assessment of their network, countrywide and agreed that “in the whole of Foni, there is a bit of problems in terms of consumer [service]”. He noted that Africell is running a business and considers their returns based on the areas they are operating. He added that driving through Foni they observed some drops in network and black zones. He promised that now until the end of the 1st Quarter of 2025 they will address the poor network issue in the Fonis.
Third to respond was Comium’s Commercial Director Mr Sarjo Khan who noted there has been no changes to their network in that area which should have led to a downgrade of the network. He also promised that by the end of the 1st Quarter of 2025 the network will be improved.
QCell’s proprietor and business tycoon Mr Muhammed Jah took the opportunity to laud he’s networks performance in the Fonis. He spoke about QCell’s efforts to cover the gaps where the network has been poor and highlighted that they have observed some issues in Foni. To address this Mr Jah explained that they are building towers in the Fonis to cover that.
Mr Jah believes that congestion is the challenge but not a reduction in service provision. He highlighted that a combination of village expansion and increased security presence has contributed to increased demand for their service. He revealed that more towers are being built to keep up with the demand. In conclusion he promised that the people in the Fonis “will see a big difference in the next three weeks [ending 22nd December 2024]. In Sangajor it’s ready I think within the next two weeks you’ll have it on”.
You can watch the engagement in the video link below.