Africa50 Agreement: Badly Negotiated without Transparency
Since last year, I have maintained that the government’s concession agreement with Africa50 on the Senegambia Bridge could have been good for the country if the Ministry of Finance under Mr. Seedy Keita had taken their duties and responsibilities seriously. There is nothing wrong with asset recycling in principle. It can be beneficial to the country and contribute to our economic development. But the mere labelling of an agreement as “asset recycling” does not make it so. More in this opinion piece.
Economic Deep Dive: Response to Gov’t Statement on Africa50 Agreement
This is Dr. Ousman Gajigo’s response to the government’s rebuttal on his statement, together with the Government’s statement rebutting his staments. Additionally, the link to the actual agreement has been made available today, which has been included in the article for download to your devices. More in this publication.
Economic Deep Dive: The Dismal Budget and Economic Situation
Dr Ousman Gajigo has been hitting the news recently with the Government responding to some of his claims. This publication highlights some of the country’s dismal Budget and Economic Situation facing The Gambia starting with the Finance Minister’s late tabling of the 2025 Budget. More in the publication.
Is an Apology Sufficient When the President or a Minister Violates the Constitution?
Speaker Jatta ruled for Finance Minister Keita to apologise to Parliament after admitting violating section 152 (1) of the 1997 Constitution which requires the President to cause the Finance Minister to table the Budget sixty days before the end of the year. But is an apology consistent with the dictates of the Constitution when violated by the President or a Minister?
Analysis of The Gambia’s 2025 Budget Reveals Gaps
Accounting and Finance expert, Mr Lamin Dampha explores the country’s 2025 Executive Budget by comparing allocations of key development sectors to international benchmarks revealing gaps that need to be addressed by Parliamentarians.
Intoxications of Power: A Word of Advise to Arrogant Leadership
This piece written by Imran Darboe explores the “Intoxications of Power” when leaders overdose on the power drink and serves as a cautionary reminder to Gambian Leaders to take stock of the lessons learned through the TRRC and former President Jammeh currently in exile. It serves as a timely reminder.
Gambia’s Youth Voice Amplified on the Global Stage
On November 12, COP29 (the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) officially opened, marking a critical moment for nations worldwide to address the urgent issues of climate change.
The Gambia’s Gateway to Regional Growth
In this publication, David Rotimi of Banisoro highlights avenues for Gambian businesses to take advantage of the West Africa Competitiveness Programme which aims to support entrepreneurs ready to tap into broader markets. A must read for business entrepreneurs in The Gambia.
Economic Deep Dive: The Gambia’s Derailed Energy Plan
The Gambia’s energy reliance has been a challenge with frequent power cuts being a norm and the over-reliance on external companies from Senegal and Turkey to generate sufficient power. Dr Gajigo’s latest analysis highlights how The Gambia is failing to implement it’s Energy Roadmap.
The Persecution of the Voice Newspaper
In this article by Dr Gajigo he highlights the significance of the President filing a legal suit against the Voice Newspaper media practitioners and the challenges it presents to Freedom of Expression in The Gambia.
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Why Support Askanwi Media?
Askanwi aims to fill the gap of reliable, balanced citizen focused news which impacts the livelihood of it's readers. With publications monitoring the implementation of the Transitional Process in the country Askanwi continues to pioneer human interest reporting such as the ongoing reportage of the Acute Kidney Injury saga, the promulgation of the Draft Constitution and the implementation of the Transitional Justice Program to name a few.
Your support will ensure Askanwi continues to follow the AKI saga, publish groundbreaking stories unveiling corruption, investigate public malfeasance, publish quarterly newsletters and ensure the operations of Askanwi Media.